Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I'll get to it!

My intention was to blog as I traveled, but that didn't work out quite as I planned. Between jam-packed days, limited internet access (with speeds reminiscent of dial-up access 15 years ago) and maybe just a few too many Belikins, it just didn't happen. So I decided to do a day-by-day report of the trip once I returned home.

Taken from airplane:  The most important building in Belize
I arrived home late on Sunday night and had to go to the office the next day (I usually work from home). I fed the cats, unpacked and dropped into bed. The next day I met my new boss for the first time and went out to dinner with her and my colleagues so once again I did not get home until late, fed the cats and hit the sack. Tuesday I had to work from the office again and it was my final day to complete month-end reports. So I came home from the office, fed the cats and worked in my home office until about 10:00 pm. Are you beginning to see a trend here?

Anyway, over the next week or so I will add postings to cover all of my ramblings through the fascinating country of Belize. Just be patient.  And remember... I am not a Belize expert.  This is my first foray to the country and I am noting my general impressions only.  If you are thinking of making the move to Belize, do your own research and keep in mind that my reporting is based on my own needs, values, requirements, etc.

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