Saturday, April 16, 2011

Get your money off shore!

I just finished re-reading the dismal “budget” speech by our Demagogue-in-Chief. 

I am more committed than ever before to get the hell out of Dodge.

He truly doesn’t have a clue.  He spent twenty minutes establishing the underpinnings of his plan to not cut the budget in any meaningful way, use class warfare to further divide the country, and promote enlarging a government that already consumes more than 25% of GDP.  Either he has no understanding of history, or he intentionally tried to deceive the American people.  There is no other answer.

It is already starkly apparent he does not understand how the economy works and that government does not “invest” – it spends.  Government does not create jobs; it siphons off the earnings of individuals and business at the point of a gun to spend the money on programs and schemes that ultimately only serve to make its citizens more dependent on the nanny state.

It’s time to move money and investments off shore.

I’ve already opened accounts in Belize where I am getting over 6% on my money.  I think my next move is to put more money into emerging market ETFs and purchase real estate in a country that will not be caught up in the coming hyperinflation of the US dollar.  If you thought the Carter years were fun, just wait and see what Obama will do to the economy.  I had a mortgage for almost a year at 16.25% when Jimmy was in office.  I remember waiting in line for over an hour to be able to buy ten gallons of gas at a time.  Obama is Carter without the administrative experience and keen understanding of economics… yikes.  I wish I were retiring tomorrow.

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