Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Moral bankruptcy... yet another reason to get out of Dodge

This whole story regarding degenerate Congressman Weiner got me thinking about how whole civilizations degenerate over time.  Is it now America’s time to fall by the wayside?  The liberal mindset is that anything goes; there are no standards.  Time was when we had a strong moral sense of ourselves – a code that guided our actions and said that some things are right and others wrong.  Most people went to church and regardless of where they fit on the religious spectrum, they acknowledged that the broad Judeo/Christian standards meant something.  When you have no road map or compass, it is hard to know where you are.  Liberals have no road map other than to challenge what is and to genuflect to larger government.  Unfortunately, the larger the government, the smaller the individual.

Congressman Weiner should go, of course.  But his arrogance and lust for power and position prevents him from doing the honorable thing.  Sadly, honor is also a quickly disappearing core principle.  From a public service perspective, the greater sin is that he lied.  He lied to his constituents and the country at large and actually fabricated a story to blame it on someone else.  For Weiner, service is not the goal – he is.  When the compass is gone the only reference left is yourself. 

So, what does the narcissist Weiner have to do with moving to another country?  Plenty.  I want to live in a place that still has standards.  I want to live in a community where shame still exists.  I want to live in a place where honor, integrity and morality are not part of a campaign slogan but the code that people live by.  I am not laboring under the delusion that other countries are pure and without their own problems.  All countries have their own sins and I have no doubt that wherever I end up will have customs and mores that will drive me nuts.  But it pains me too much to watch the country I love go down the toilet.  I am fully aware that some of the government programs bordering on socialism in many Latin countries will likely bother the heck out of me.  I know that they will have their own morally bankrupt, cretinous politicians.  Somehow that is acceptable because it is not America.

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