Thursday, July 18, 2013

Returning to Panama...

I have received a few emails from folks interested in seeing the completion of my sailing trip story or for information on Blue Water Sailing School, the company I went with.

I may finish the sailing series at some point, but in the meantime we are going to Panama at the end of August.  I don't know if I will attempt to do a series on that trip or not, but at least I will have someone to take a picture or two of me.  :)

We will start off by exploring the area from Punta Chame to Farallon.  I have made contact with a realtor there and would like to get some ideas about what is possible.  What are rents like?  What would I get for my dollar if I buy?  Should I buy something now with the intent of renting it out until I move there when I retire in five years?

We will then be attending the 2013 Live and Invest in Panama Conference.  This conference is run by Kathleen Pedicord's Live and Invest Overseas organization.  This type of conference is designed to give an overview of all the issues that expats may face when moving to a particular country.  I'm hoping to pick up some general knowledge that I could apply to any country I may be interested in.

Organizations like Live and Invest Overseas, International Living, Escape Artist and others have great expertise, but they also have something to sell.  There's nothing wrong with the sales part... let's face it, they have to make a living and they do it by accumulating knowledge for wannabe expats and selling it via newsletters, books, special reports and conferences.  If you decide to use the services of these organizations, just be aware that each outfit has their own set of prejudices and limitations.  While I am not comparing any group to a car salesman, you don't by a car without doing research and verifying the claims of the salesman.

I have been getting Kathleen's emails for several years and I am an International Living magazine subscriber.  I loved Kathleen's book and pick up interesting tidbits, suggestions, factoids and cautions from each of these sources.  I will be sure to at least give a review of the conference.  I won't divulge the information they provide because I strongly believe in their right to sell the research and expertise they have, but I can absolutely provide a critique and let you know if I got my money's worth.

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