Sunday, July 10, 2011

Thoughts on my November trip

OK…  I've been doing some thinking about my next trip.   I would be surprised  if prices did not come down for Cancun between now and November.  So, I have come up with three scenarios based on the three countries I could potentially visit.  Each scenario has it's plusses so any of them would be fun and educational at the same time.

Mexico:  I continue to be intrigued by the area around Tulum and going south towards Chetumal.  If I can fly into Cancun for a fairly low cost, I can rent a car and be in Tulum in a couple of hours.  The southern Yucatan area still offers some decent real estate deals and possibly the opportunity to buy now and rent it out until retirement.  I have been in touch with realtors in both Playa del Carmen (although I think I would ultimately be happier further south) and Tulum.   From  Tulum I wouldn't mind checking out Xcalak and Mahahual on the way to Chetumal.  It's only about three hours from Tulum south to Limones and another hour east to Mahahual where you can get on the paved road that runs North to South from Punticulb on the southern end of the Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve down to Xcalak.

Spending time in Chetumal would be a good idea since I could check out the stores, pharmacies and medical facilities I would depend on if living in Belize or the southern Yucatan.  If time permitted, I could go across the border just to see if it is a hassle or not and maybe check out the free trade zone.  Continental car rental agency in Cancun allows border crossings with no additional charge and no prior notice is required.  If I decide it wouldn't be worth the time to duck down to Belize for a day, I can save on my rental car by getting it from BluewayAnyway, there are many small towns and areas to explore so it would be great fun.

Belize:  I would definitely spend my time back in San Pedro or Corozal.  If I can afford it, San Pedro would be my choice for retirement;  like I've said before, it reminds me a lot of Key West.  However, affordability is a major consideration.  Living on any small island is more expensive because everything is imported -- everything.  For this trip though,  I would probably spend my time in and around Corozal.  I would like to spend more time poking around town, take the ferry to Chetumal and get a better feel for the area.  Chetumal Bay is not the same as being on the ocean, but it is better than being inland.

There are many areas around Corozal that deserve a closer examination and this time wouldn't be so rushed.  I can make contact with a few local bloggers and see if I can pick their brains for the price of a few Belikins.  There are places in Corozal that are cheaper to stay than Serenity Sands, which I loved but did not need that level of comfort.  I know more now and I also know that I can get a cheaper car than I did last time.  I am glad I picked up the Belize phone book while I was there last because I can do a better job of research before going.

Panama:  I've never been to Panama but it gets strong recommendations on many Expat sites and blogs.  Here I would be more of a tourist and just explore.  A day in Panama City would be plenty because I really can't see myself living in a large city, but it is the locus for many services that I might need so I should poke around a bit just to get a feel for it.  Then I would like to explore both coasts but will have to do more research before I can really say what my plan might be.  I suspect I would like to head west at some point and maybe drive through Boquete or other areas in the highlands since I hear it is quite beautiful.

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