Thursday, August 25, 2011

Off to explore Panama on November 3...

Now that I have finally decided that I will be going to Panama I will be copying my posts from this blog on a separate one dedictated solely to the trip, Ten Days in Panama.  There, I will enter the posts in reverse order so anyone who is interested can read from beginning to end, from planning through the actual travel including the day-by-day account of my journey complete with photos.

I had read a lot about Belize and decided this would be my first country to explore.  I spent eight days exploring coastal Belize last February, which placed it firmly on my list of possible future homes.  Now I will do the same in Panama between November 3 and 13. 

As with my Belize trip my goal in Panama is to do a bit of sight-seeing but mainly just wander around through various coastal towns, see what the stores are like, check out some real estate, have a few beers with the locals and generally just get a feel for whether or not this is a place I would feel comfortable living for my remaining years.  If I like what I see I will come back in the future after doing more research on specific locales.  Outside of Panama City a major interest will be just how difficult it is to get along without Spanish.  While I intend to learn Spanish at some point, who knows how much I will be able to absorb.

Over the coming weeks I will post information as I come across it and start to plan my trip.  I'll give you the links to important web sites and lay out my thought process as I finalize the details.  And finally I will do a day-by-day posting of my trip along with many pictures.  I learned a lot when writing my Belize blog (Belize in Eight Days) and hopefully will do better this time.  I imagine my readers will be a handful of friends and others, like me, who are interested in eventually retiring in Panama or just going there for a vacation.  If you have been there and have some advice or want me to check something out while I am there, please leave a comment -- I would love to hear from you!

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